Wow.. musim PRU dah terasa bahang dia.. Eventhough I've made clear what my stand and support is for, I tend to see that most people nowadays are trolling like mad against the opposite party(ies).
Let me start off with this:-
We're merely human and human make errors ~
Nobody is perfect so don't try to be one or make the other person look like any lesser dumb than you
Making fool of people won't make it up for the fact that you're one as well ~
Bukan apa - teknologi skrg ni membuatkan mesej lebih mudah tersampai dan lebih cepat. Twitter, fb and now even instagram. Dulu (sampai skrg) org guna blog as source to troll and make other people butthurt. But now, there're those i mentioned.
Anyways, what we see is what we get. But what we don't get is the fact!
People might wanna go into debate, or even go to public that they have the fact and all (or even proofs)!
But the fact is that (to me that is), is we don't have any solid factual data!
People tend to say this and some others might say that.
One side would say one thing, while the other side would not deny instead they come up with their own troll.
All in all, this is definitely getting out of hand!
Youth are starting to loose their culture and without culture there's no life essence
Islamic values are being questioned - merely because some say they know more than the others!
Respect for other races is out the window although Islam urge Moslems to do so.
in view of the above, I am saying this:
- don't be stupid and waste your life like that
- Go back to our basics as Moslems: al-Quran al-Karim
- Don't belittle other people as it may backfire on you and you're actually littler than them!
(Surah al-Rum, ayat 31-32) "Hendaklah kamu (wahai Muhammad dan pengikutmu) sentiasa rujuk kembali kepada Allah (dengan mengerjakan amal bakti) serta bertakwalah kamu kepada-Nya, dan kerjakanlah sembahyang dengan betul sempurna, dan janganlah kamu menjadi daripada mana-mana golongan orang musyrik. Iaitu orang yang menjadikan fahaman agama mereka, mereka berselisih mengikut kecenderungan masing-masing serta mereka pula menjadi berpuak-puak, tiap-tiap puak bergembira dengan apa yang ada padanya (daripada fahaman dan amalan yang terpesong itu)."
(49:11) Hai org2 yg beriman, janganlah sekumpulan org laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yg lain, boleh jadi yg ditertawakan itu lebih baik dr mrk. & jangan pula sekumpulan perempuan merendahkan kumpulan lainnya, boleh jadi yg direndahkan itu lebih baik. & janganlah suka mencela dirimu sendiri & jangan memanggil dgn gelaran yg mengandung ejekan. Seburuk-buruk panggilan adalah (panggilan) yg buruk sesudah iman & barangsiapa yg tidak bertobat, maka mrk itulah org2 yg zalim.
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