Korang ada tak tengok iklan raya terbaru yang panas tu? And korang ada tak teringin nak check source and search further pasal iklan ni...? Aku dapat email, siap dgn penjelasan atau discovery yang dibuat oleh penulis who is a blogger (i think)...
1st thing came to mind was, WOW!! This is cool.. Napa aku tak perasan.... However, fikiran aku yg lame (that time) nak tekan forward terus tak jadi, thinking how lame and dumb i would be if i continue to do so.. I have been labelled as a racist before and readers out there has already tell me to f**k off...! So, i guess i gotta stop that impromptu acts..
When i watched the actual ad, i was amazed. Yes, there are elements that were normally not related or would never be a part of a muslim or meleis ad. But, these elements that is so out-of-this-world is combined in a advertisement for this coming 'Idul Fitr. Making people go for the forward button faster than they could even actually read the thing.. Similar thing i found out when they got the email on Hitler as Muslim protector.. Another one, did anobody got the email about our lemang and ketupat.. It is so called to be linked to freemason too..!? Can you believe it.. I must stop buying checkered shirts and stop having cakes cause they're cut triangle shaped..
When i was doing my search, i got a few hundreds.. Yes!! Hundreds sites that carry this advertisement on their site.. But! What people didn't, failed and refuse to notice is the following comment that they or us Meleis got from this. Jumpy? Dumb? Lame? Wow...! Anything to protect our dear religion.. Again, i am just speechless...!
What majority readers out there simply said that they want the typical raya ad.. That's all.. They dun want or need these fusion ads to be aired.. I leave it to you to judge.. Let me reserve my comment, unless you left yours....
2 quickies:
Thanks for being so liberal.
I would like to add my 2 cents worth of comments here, if you dont mind.
Im a Cinese, with a few Muslim (mixed Malay + Chinese) relatives and lots of Malay friends.
Im sure my relatives and friends have enough common sense not to be confused with the 'elements from other religions' in the advertisement.
I sometimes wonder (hope this wont get me detained by the police / ISA for trying to ignite racial tension..
see la.. Aku tension kalau nak komen mengenai hal-hal perkauman sekarang nie...), why do we need those so-caled authorities to keep checking on our muslim brothers and sisters?
Does forcing (or as they call it, enforcing) it on them make our brothers + sisters more religious?
Isnt it supposed to be done because of their love for Allah SWT and the religion?
Why must the authorities do that at this century, when I believe that the human race are mature enough to judge right or wrong for themselves?
I know my Muslim cousins + friends are aware of the Islamic teachings and are trying their very best to do as taught.
Aren't the authorities treating our Muslim brethrens as kindergarten kids, with their incessant banning of this and that, and also prohibiting everything from music concerts to books, to freedom of speech and media releases?
Sorry because I dah taip berjela-jela.
If anyone is offended, I sincerely apologize.
I dont mean to offend anyone, cause I love my cousins and friends and respect their religion + beliefs (and i hope people will respect mine as well).
Here's wishing u and your family & everyone reading this a very Happy Eid ul-Fitr, Maaf Zahir & Batin & have a safe balik kampung trip! :-D
Peace, ya' all!
Thanks for being so liberal.
I would like to add my 2 cents worth of comments here, if you dont mind.
Im a Cinese, with a few Muslim (mixed Malay + Chinese) relatives and lots of Malay friends.
Im sure my relatives and friends have enough common sense not to be confused with the 'elements from other religions' in the advertisement.
I sometimes wonder (hope this wont get me detained by the police / ISA for trying to ignite racial tension..
see la.. Aku tension kalau nak komen mengenai hal-hal perkauman sekarang nie...), why do we need those so-caled authorities to keep checking on our muslim brothers and sisters?
Does forcing (or as they call it, enforcing) it on them make our brothers + sisters more religious?
Isnt it supposed to be done because of their love for Allah SWT and the religion?
Why must the authorities do that at this century, when I believe that the human race are mature enough to judge right or wrong for themselves?
I know my Muslim cousins + friends are aware of the Islamic teachings and are trying their very best to do as taught.
Aren't the authorities treating our Muslim brethrens as kindergarten kids, with their incessant banning of this and that, and also prohibiting everything from music concerts to books, to freedom of speech and media releases?
Sorry because I dah taip berjela-jela.
If anyone is offended, I sincerely apologize.
I dont mean to offend anyone, cause I love my cousins and friends and respect their religion + beliefs (and i hope people will respect mine as well).
Here's wishing u and your family & everyone reading this a very Happy Eid ul-Fitr, Maaf Zahir & Batin & have a safe balik kampung trip! :-D
Peace, ya' all!
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