Ntah la, yang aku nak story ni bkn orang lain tapi member sendiri...
The other day, was hanging around with mummy & daddy club and one of us had lost a family member.. It was the granny's cousin or some sort.. And they were having a difficult time to decide whether to go back to their hometown for the burial or not.. What makes it harder for them is that they have a birthday party to go to that very night..! I'm not sure what to say but if you're deciding between FAMILY DEATH vs PARTY, a common adult would opt for the burial.. Ni la Melayu sekarang..
Related to the club, and MAYBE the same person involved (see all the bui)...? Ok, i was waiting for Elliz to have break from work so that we can go back home JB together.. The other day i had to go by myself and she came later, it was rather sad or empty going back alone.. But work call so we had to go separately. Ok, we're planning to off to JB this week, and these buggers decided to have our club's break fast this Friday itself.. Ok, knowing them this won't be simply break fast and go, then there would be tea or coffee (no me..!), then hang out here and there, chit chat stuff and that's it.. The thing frustrate me the most is that when it comes to them, they'd go all out to make sure that the schedule is change to their privilege. And, what makes me sick is comments like asyik balik jb je, ala mcm takde hari lain...
DEEEEEEEEAAAPP BREATH: Ko takde kampung boleh la ckp, dok KL dari kecik sampai ke tua sampai nak bezakan adat dan adab pon susah, at least org lain dok KL gak tapi takde la kuno and buta adab mcm ko...! Hei...! Aku ada kampung and at least aku ingat kampung aku, sedara mara aku, mak bapak aku, adik2 aku... Family comes 1st, bukan seronok2 ko, enjoy2 ko tu...!
Seriously, at times i think i hate to be like this and be among people like this. But, they're good friends and they deserve my frankness and straight forwardness (you know what i mean..).. So, if you don't like it then you don't deserve to be my friend. And if i don't accept the way you are, then i don't deserve you as a friend... hmmm aku rugi ke? Point to ponder...
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