Friday, January 23, 2009

Huh? The Week Is Over?!?

This face makes it difficult to go to work in the morning.. Every morning that little face will look at you sending a messege not to leave him at home.. Bila dah ada mulut nanti mau tak meraung² tanak kena tinggal...! But abah & ibu have to work, to get you into school, to feed you, to take care of you and making sure that's everything is fine for you.. So that one point in life, you'll look back realizing that we've been there for you.. We'll always be!

Its another Friday yet again! But today isn't like any other Fridays.. Today is the last day of a long 4 days public holiday.. People might get excited about leaving the office for long periods but at this current situation i'm not. I miss the people in JB especially sis Nina and ibu, but i wanna make sure all my tasks are completed before leaving the office today. I wanna come back to work on Wednesday with a clear mind and work pending.

Check out all the corrections in red i have to do, sorry bos!

Definitely i wanna leave office early coz we're pushing (direct translation! haha) back to JB right after maghrib. Abah (mine) is having a kenduri doa selamat on Monday and aside from that we got no plans, just hang around at home and mall hopping in JB. We actually wanted to go to Spore but the little one dun have a passport yet.. Blame me for that! Sorry dear..

My flu and fever is almost over. I guess all the pills shoved down my throat and alot of plain water did it for me.. I really need my strength at work and also while driving to JB tonite, aside from mine sane mind and focus..

0 quickies: